Crossroads within any technology evolution are interesting. Technology divergence in a rapidly evolving space such as solar energy is even more fascinating. Much like video format evolutions most of us have lived through at least once (VHS vs Betamax or DVD vs Blueray), solar power at a module-level is wrestling with the AC power output vs. DC power output concept for supremacy. The Maxeon 5 possess a model within the range to combat the potential of a full-blown AC revolution. Therefore, is the Maxeon 5 ahead of the curve or simply another option boasting advanced credentials?
Sunpower/ Maxeon 5.
Maxeon 5 AC (66-Cell); 400 – 420W.
Maxeon 5 COM (72-Cell); 430 – 450W.
Sunpower/ Maxeon takes on the larger cell format with the Maxeon 5, boasting a similar power density as the Maxeon 3. The improvement, undoubtedly, is within this modules durability ratings. That of which could be superfluous if you require a DC residential module. However, the Maxeon 5 COM could be a solution (design dependant) in such a scenario. Overall Elite.
This report is now archived. Updating per current versions of the Solar Analytica Assessment Criteria (solar modules) has ceased. The final assessment criteria for this product is V2.1.1 which may not reflect an accurate comparison to products ranked in newer versions.
It’s important to note that two variants of the Maxeon 5 exist. A residential targeted Maxeon 5 AC or the commercial/ industry targeted Maxeon 5 COM, a traditional 72-cell DC solar module. DC has always been the pioneering leader at a module level through an abundance of compatible technologies, effective simplicity, and reduced cost. The time has come, though, where it appears Sunpower Maxeon believe AC will gain global favour with improved modern engineering, module-level control superiority, and publicised safety benefits to ensure the Maxeon 5 advantage exceeds expectations.
Considering the Maxon 5 isn’t just an AC option, evaluated below are the fundamental elements that could affect the buying decision surrounding either model, the Maxeon 5 AC or Maxeon 5 COM (DC). If you’d like to understand the difference between AC (Alternating Current) and DC (Direct Current) solar panels, this should help; AC vs DC SOLAR PANELS, WHICH IS BEST FOR YOU?
The following detailed product analysis for the Maxeon 5 should be used as a guide only. Individual circumstances and compatibilities must always be taken into account when selecting the ideal solar module. This content comprises the Solar Analytica Assessment Criteria (solar modules) based on available product specifications at compilation (refer to post date).

Image; Maxeon patented Integrated Back Contact design and solid intercell connection points used within the Maxeon 5.
1. Design: 91/100
When a solar module punches towards outstanding Efficiency characteristics, there’s a lot to be admired within the foundation that is Design. Boasting a larger 152mm cell format (Maxeon 3; 125mm), the Maxeon 5 follows a similar IBC (Integrated Back Contact) format to the acclaimed Maxeon 3, but with fewer cells to achieve the required power density.
In typical Sunpower/ Maxeon fashion, the front surface of the Maxeon 5 remains free from light inhibiting busbar obstruction to enhance the flow of electrons through a cell strengthening patented copper grid rear contact. Such a refined design promotes peak power density/ efficiency, the pinnacle of solar module innovation.
Sub-Category | Characteristic | Reference | Class. | |
Cell Type
| Monocrystalline (Maxeon Gen 5) | Maxeon 5 data sheet section; Mechanical Data, Solar Cells (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat5)
| 100 |
Formation | 152mm, 66 Maxeon Gen 5 Back contact IBC (Integrated Back Contact). Max5 COM; 72 Maxeon Gen 5 Back contact IBC (Integrated Back Contact). | Maxeon 5 data sheet (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat5) | 100 |
Contact | Patented rear-side, tin-coated, copper metal grid (foundation), IBC (Integrated Back Contact). | Maxeon 5 data sheet (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat5) | 100 |
Enhanced | IBC or Rear Contact, no busbar obstruction. | Maxeon 5 data sheet (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat5) | 100 |
Encapsulate | High-transmission tempered anti-reflective. WITH manufacturer specified Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate laminate substrate. | Maxeon 5 data sheet section; Mechanical Data (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat3) | 80 |
Certifications | TÜV. | Maxeon 5 data sheet section; Warranties, Certifications, and Compliance (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat5) | 100 |
Awards | General Recognition; Sunpower Wins Solar Industry Sustainability Award. | Press release (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat1) | 60 |
Design Overall | Maxeon 5 | Above Avg (Cat4) | 91/100 |
Sub-Category: Product asset which compiles the category. Characteristic: Scoring characteristic/gauge of the Sub-Category. Reference: Reference material from which the sub-category Characteristic has been derived. Class.: Solar Analytica classification of the nominated score range. Rank: Solar Analytica ranking points nominated per solar module property attributing toward an individual sub-category (excluding overall row). Overall (row): combined average of each Sub-Category.
2. DURABILITY: 94/100
When the talk of Sunpower/ Maxeon solar panels surrounds dazzling Efficiency attributes, it’s easy to lose focus on alternative qualities such as the more critical aspects of Durability. Possessing improved 8100 Pa positive and 5400 Pa negative loading factors, the Maxeon 5 AC surges beyond previous Sunpower/ Maxeon models as their most durable module yet.
An average Hail impact resistance rating (25mm @ 23m/sec) is eclipsed by the remaining Maxeon 5 AC Durability sub-categories that rank amongst the highest resistive specifications commercially available. Considering an Above Avg (Cat5) outstanding ranking for all but one Durability sub-category, the Maxeon 5 AC qualifies as one of the most resilient solar modules available for consideration within a broad range of global environments. The Maxeon 5 possesses an elite Durability rating that deserves greater recognition for its combined attributes, all of which border Outstanding overall.
Sub-Category | Characteristic | Reference | Class. | |
Positive loading | Test load – 8100 Pa, min10% coverage ratio, temp. 25 ±5°C, max humidity 75 %, ±5 % load uniformity, 3 cycles of 1 hr applied load. | IEC 61215-2 MQT16 (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat5) | 100 |
Negative loading | Test load – 5400 Pa, min10% coverage ratio, temp. 25 ±5°C, max humidity 75 %, ±5 % load uniformity, 3 cycles of 1 hr applied load. | IEC 61215-2 MQT16 (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat5) | 100 |
Damp heat test | 6000 Hrs – Test Temp: (85 ± 2)°C, Relative humidity: (85 ± 5)%. | IEC 61215-2 MQT13 (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat5) | 100 |
Thermal cycle test | 800+ (2000+) Cycles – Temp range: (-40 ± 2) to (+85 ± 2) °C. | IEC 61215-2 MQT11 (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat5) | 100 |
Potential induced degredation | Resistant. | (IEC TS 62804) PID determined by MQT 13, MQT 15 & MQT 01 of IEC 61215-2 & Clause 5.5 Voltage stress test (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat5) | 100 |
Salt mist resistance | *Pending reference. | *Pending. IEC 61701 (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat5) | 100 |
Amonia resistance | *Pending reference. | *Pending. IEC 62716 (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat5) | 100 |
Sand and dust resistance | *Pending reference. | *Pending. IEC 60068-2-68 (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat5) | 100 |
Hail impact resistance | Diameter: 25mm ±5%, Mass: 7.3-grams ±5%, Speed: 23m/sec ±2%,. | Base, IEC 61215-2 & 61646 (reference documents). | Average | 50 |
Durability Overall | Maxeon 5 AC | Above Avg (Cat4) | 94/100 | |
Durability Overall | Maxeon 5 COM | Above Avg (Cat4) | 86/100 |
Sub-Category: Product asset which compiles the category. Characteristic: Scoring characteristic/gauge of the Sub-Category. Reference: Reference material from which the sub-category Characteristic has been derived. Class.: Solar Analytica classification of the nominated score range. Rank: Solar Analytica ranking points nominated per solar module property attributing toward an individual sub-category (excluding overall row). Overall (row): combined average of each Sub-Category.
It’s essential to adjust the Durability classification rankings between the two Maxeon 5 models (AC & COM) as they share slightly altered loading characteristics. The Maxeon 5 COM shares the exact specifications as the Maxeon 3, including the industry-aligned Positive and Negative loading factors. Nonetheless, the Maxeon 5 COM remains an Above Avg (Cat4) Elite module where Durability factors are concerned.

Image; Distinctly different. Maxeon 5 (right) uses a reduced amount of larger 152mm/ 6″cells compared to the Maxeon 3 (left) to achieve a similar power density/ efficiency.
3. Efficiency: 93/100
Exceptional Efficiency is almost synonymous with Sunpower/ Maxeon, and with 90+ patents residing within the organisation, one would expect such outstanding form within the efficiency department to continue. More specifically, the Maxeon 5 is separated by the finest margins to its counterpart, the Maxeon 3, providing yet again outstanding power density for any given area. Ensuring a maximised energy investment, expect the Maxeon 5 to outperform with efficiency-enhancing attributes such as the -0.29%oC Temperature Coefficient (lower the better) and a resounding 0~+5% Power tolerance provides up to a 20W power boost from the nominal module power output rating.
Sub-Category | Characteristic | Reference | Class. | |
Module efficiency (max) | 22.5% | Maxeon 5 data sheet section; DC Power Data, Module Efficiency (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat4) | 90 |
Temperature coefficient (Pmax) | -0.29%oC | Maxeon 5 data sheet section; DC Power Data, Power Temp Coef. (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat4) | 90 |
Power tolerance (max) | 0~+5% | Maxeon 5 data sheet section; DC Power Data, Power Tolerance (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat4) | 90 |
NOCT power density (max) | 170 W/m2 | Calculated, input source; Maxeon 5 data sheet; Module Power STC, NOCT, Temp Coefficient, Dimensions (LxW) (internal post). | Above Avg (Cat5) | 100 |
Efficiency Overall | Maxeon 5 | Above Avg (Cat4) | 93/100 |
Sub-Category: Product asset which compiles the category. Characteristic: Scoring characteristic/gauge of the Sub-Category. Reference: Reference material from which the sub-category Characteristic has been derived. Class.: Solar Analytica classification of the nominated score range. Rank: Solar Analytica ranking points nominated per solar module property attributing toward an individual sub-category (excluding overall row). Overall (row): combined average of each Sub-Category.
4. PERFORMANCE: 83/100
With additional componentry embedded, the Performance of the Maxeon 5 AC becomes an interesting concept. On an intrinsic level (Nominal output over time), both the Maxeon 5 AC and COM possess Elite attributes with no more than 8% nominal output degradation over 25-years. Added value to such a guarantee affirms reduced investor loss with a comprehensive Performance guarantee assurance covering three significant aspects of potential shortfall; Product, Service and Transport (limited).
Fortunately, with no exposure to direct sunlight, inverter technologies such as the Enphase system embedded within the Maxeon 5 AC range do not need such scope. Like solar panels, all inverter technologies experience performance inhibiting factors that exist around temperature variables, which affects the conversion efficiency (DC to AC power). Considered superior, the Enphase inverter technology embedded within the Sunpower Maxeon 5 has a weighted efficiency of 96.5%.
Even though additional componentry exists with reduced flexibility, ensuring module Performance is what the embedded Enphase inverter technology does exceptionally well. Without module-level monitoring, a beautiful feature of the Enphase system, it’s almost impossible to detect premature performance degradation of a solar module. Therefore, the Maxeon 5 AC constantly scrutinises itself and provides greater protection for your energy investment. A confident approach by Sunpower/ Maxeon towards an elite product.
IMPORTANT: The Maxeon 5 performance guarantee should be interpreted in conjunction with the entire Maxeon Limited Warranty for PV Modules sold with Microinverters Exhibit A & B (or SPR‐MAX Commercial Document#: 536004 REV A) or that of which succeeds it. Listed below are the Solar Analytica data point indicators for ranking analysis only and are not a substitute for interpretation of the performance guarantee.
Sub-Category | Characteristic | Reference | Class. | |
1st-year degradation (max) | 2.0%. | Maxeon Limited Warranty for PV Modules sold with Microinverters, EU, Exhibit A, section 1 Limited Product and Power Warranties. (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat3) | 80 |
Annual degradation (max after year-1) | 0.25% p.a. | Maxeon Limited Warranty for PV Modules sold with Microinverters, EU, Exhibit A, section 1 Limited Product and Power Warranties. (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat4) | 90 |
Performance guarantee period | 25-years. | Maxeon Limited Warranty for PV Modules sold with Microinverters, EU, Exhibit A, section 1 Limited Product and Power Warranties. (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat1) | 60 |
Performance guantee assurance | Parts, service and transport | Maxeon Limited Warranty for PV Modules sold with Microinverters, EU, Exhibit A, section 2, Customer Support, Claims Process and Coverage. (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat5) | 100 |
Performance Overall | Maxeon 5 | Above Avg (Cat3) | 83/100 |
Sub-Category: Product asset which compiles the category. Characteristic: Scoring characteristic/gauge of the Sub-Category. Reference: Reference material from which the sub-category Characteristic has been derived. Class.: Solar Analytica classification of the nominated score range. Rank: Solar Analytica ranking points nominated per solar module property attributing toward an individual sub-category (excluding overall row). Overall (row): combined average of each Sub-Category.
5. Guarantee: 88/100
Similar to the Performance classification, Maxeon 5 AC and COM share an underlying product guarantee with Elite characteristics supporting each module over a 25-year period. As with many classifications within the Maxeon 5, Sunpower/ Maxeon provides one of the most extensive Guarantees for complete buyer confidence.
However, the Guarantee has another layer when considering the Maxeon 5 AC variant. More specifically, in the form of Exhibit B. Delving within the Maxeon document; Limited Warranty for PV Modules sold with Microinverters Exhibit A & B, Exhibit B outlines the embedded microinverter warranty. As one would expect, the Guarantee period of the attached Enphase microinverter matches the duration of the Maxeon 5 module (25-years), promoting one of the most extensive Guarantee periods accompanying any form of solar inverter technology. 20-years shy, though, is the Guarantee towards the accompanying Enphase componentry (Envoy, Combiner, Consumption CT etc., 5-years)-covered in an alternative post.
IMPORTANT: The Maxeon 5 product guarantee should be interpreted in conjunction with the entire Maxeon Limited Warranty for PV Modules sold with Microinverters Exhibit A & B (or SPR‐MAX Commercial Document#: 536004 REV A) or that of which succeeds it. Listed below are the Solar Analytica data point indicators for ranking analysis only and are not a substitute for interpretation of the product guarantee.
Sub-Category | Characteristic | Reference | Class. | |
Guarantee period
| 25-years (300-months). | Maxeon Limited Warranty for PV Modules sold with Microinverters, EU, Exhibit A, section 1 Limited Product and Power Warranties. (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat4)
| 80
Guarantee assurance | Parts, service and transport. | Maxeon Limited Warranty for PV Modules sold with Microinverters, EU, Exhibit A, section 2, Customer Support, Claims Process and Coverage. (reference documents). | Above Avg (Cat5) | 100 |
Manufacturer established | 1985 (37-years). | Wikipedia: Sunpower Corporation (external) | Above Avg (Cat5) | 100 |
Certified installer network | Yes, WITH additional end-user/ installer benefits. | Linked from manufacturers regional websites. | Above Avg (Cat5) | 100 |
Manufacturer bankability | CCC, Q1 2021. | PV Moduletech bankability ratings (external). | Above Avg (Cat1) | 60 |
Guarantee Overall | Maxeon 5 | Above Avg (Cat4) | 88/100 |
Sub-Category: Product asset which compiles the category. Characteristic: Scoring characteristic/gauge of the Sub-Category. Reference: Reference material from which the sub-category Characteristic has been derived. Class.: Solar Analytica classification of the nominated score range. Rank: Solar Analytica ranking points nominated per solar module property attributing toward an individual sub-category (excluding overall row). Overall (row): combined average of each Sub-Category.
Overall: 90/100
A little reserved yet resoundingly bold, a new generation of Maxeon technology holds steady alongside the lofty Efficiency expectations set by previous Maxeon generations. Perhaps the most influential aspect incorporated is the Durability classification, exceeding expectation in all but one sub-classification defining that the Maxeon 5 AC is ready for incorporation to some of the most diverse climates globally.
Time will eventually tell whether the Maxeon 5 AC is a pioneering technology ahead of the curve once again. With any predefined embedded inverter technology, limitations exist with specific system designs such as DC-coupling future battery technologies. However, this may be a concept deemed irrelevant if localised regulators (certain global regions) impose regulations limiting DC voltage levels. Despite this, the Maxeon 5 AC possesses AC coupled battery compatibility with a suite of enhanced features not present in a basic DC string inverter scenario.
If the last decade’s trend is anything to go by, expect to see the current market share of AC and DC solar energy systems retained as both possess unique advantages for given projects. The Maxeon 5 AC does a superb job integrating two exceptional solar products into one overall Elite system.
Industry and commercial solar energy systems will remain predominantly in traditional DC string formats for a considerable amount of time before any threat of AC overtaking emerges. As a DC module, the Maxeon 5 COM boasts extensive features of an Elite product amongst its industry targeted peers (continued below).
Category | Classification | Score | Detail | |
| Elite | Above Avg (Cat4) | 87 | Criteria >
Durability | Elite | Above Avg (Cat4) | 94/88 | Criteria > |
Efficiency | Elite | Above Avg (Cat4) | 93 | Criteria > |
Performance | Superior | Above Avg (Cat3) | 83 | Criteria > |
Guarantee | Elite | Above Avg (Cat4) | 88 | Criteria > |
Overall: Maxeon 5 | Above Avg (Cat4) | 90/100 | ||
Overall: Maxeon 5 COM | Above Avg (Cat4) | 88/100 |
Is there a sub-category value that requires an amendment? Submit an amendment request using this Amendment request form.
General product questions should be made using the comments section at the bottom of this post (keep scrolling).
The Sunpower Maxeon 5 range of solar modules has been calculated using the Solar Analytica Assessment Criteria (solar modules) 2.1.1 >
- Sunpower Maxeon 5 AC data sheet.
- Sunpower Maxeon 5 COM data sheet.
- Warranty for Maxeon PV Modules sold with Microinverters warranty document.
- Warranty for Maxeon PV Modules / SPR‐MAX, SPR‐E and SPR‐X Commercial warranty document.
- Sunpower/ Maxeon white paper 40-year Useful Life.
- Sunpower Solar IEC referenced installation manual.
- Affiliate reference only. Powerhouse Brattørkaia Wins 2020 Smarter E Award in “Outstanding Projects” Category Maxeon Solar Technologies Mediaroom.
- IEC 61215-2 External site >
- IEC 61701 External site >
- IEC 62716 External site >
- IEC TS 62804-1-1 External site >
- IEC 60068-2-68 External site >
How does the current range of Sunpower/ Maxeon solar panels compare against each other?
At the time of writing the following Sunpower/ Maxeon solar panels were ranked alongside the Sunpower Maxeon 5 series;
- Sunpower Maxeon Performance 3.
- Sunpower Maxeon 3.
- Sunpower Maxeon 6.